Wine Drinking Jokes

girls-drunk-on-champagne - laughing at wine jokes

Here are a few wine drinking jokes that you might enjoy:


  1. Why was the wine bottle upset? Because it was corked.


  1. What did the grape say when it was crushed? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.


  1. Why did the grape join Alcoholics Anonymous? Because it was trying to raisin the bar.


  1. Why did the grape get arrested? Because it was caught making wine without a license.


  1. Why did the wine go to the party alone? Because it was a bottle.


  1. Why did the wine cry? Because it was feeling grape-ful!


  1. Why was the wine so popular? Because it was always grape company!


  1. Why did the wine refuse to go to the party? Because it was a-peeling!


  1. Why was the wine glass sad? Because it was half empty!


  1. Why did the grape cross the road? To get away from the wine press!

Taste the Grapes – Trivia



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Wine Master Game


Wine Master is a wine drinking game thats perfect for any occasion…with wine! It’s a fun card game that can be played with friends or family.

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