The Best Drinking Party Games

kings cups drinking party card game


  1. Never Have I Ever
  2. Kings
  3. Beer Pong
  4. Flip Cup
  5. Wine Master Game

When it comes to drinking party games, there are many different options to choose from. Some popular drinking party games include “Never Have I Ever,” “Kings,” “Beer Pong,” “Flip Cup,” and we can’t forget, “The Wine Master game.”

Never Have I Ever

“Never Have I Ever” is a fun and simple drinking game that is played by having each player take turns making a statement starting with “Never have I ever…” followed by something they have never done. For example, “Never have I ever bungee jumped.” If any of the other players have done the thing mentioned in the statement, they must take a drink.


“Kings” is another popular drinking game that involves a deck of cards. To play, the cards are arranged in a circle on a flat surface and players take turns drawing cards from the deck. Each card has a specific rule associated with it, and players must follow the rule when they draw that card. For example, the “King” card may be associated with a rule that the player who draws it must pour a little of their drink into a “community cup” in the center of the circle.

Beer Pong

“Beer Pong” is a classic drinking game that involves throwing ping pong balls into cups of beer. To play, players or teams take turns attempting to throw ping pong balls into cups of beer arranged on the other side of a table. If a ball lands in a cup, the other team must drink the beer in that cup.

Flip Cup

“Flip Cup” is another popular drinking game that involves teamwork and coordination. To play, players or teams line up on opposite sides of a table and take turns attempting to flip a plastic cup from its rim onto its base. Once all players on a team have successfully flipped their cup, the next team can begin.

Wine Master

However, the only educational laugh-out-loud, wine tasting card game around is the Wine Master drinking card game. This game utilizes fill-in-the-blank cards and questions about a wine you are tasting. This game gives you the chance to refine your palate, while having a drink with friends. Once you graduate from “Beer Pong” and “Flip Cup,” the Wine Master Game is for you.

Ultimately, the best drinking party game is one that is fun and enjoyable for all players. Some people may prefer more structured games with clear rules, while others may enjoy more free-form games. It’s all about finding the game that suits the group and the occasion.

Taste the Grapes – Trivia



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Wine Master Game


Wine Master is a wine drinking game thats perfect for any occasion…with wine! It’s a fun card game that can be played with friends or family.

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For more information on drinking card games be sure to read: