How To Choose Wine From A Restaurant’s Menu

wine list menu at restaurant wines on shelf


  1. The Wine by the Glass Strategy
  2. What’s for Dinner?
  3. Bubbles Never Disappoint
  4. Drink What You Love

Going out for dinner is always fun, especially when wine is involved. Of course, not all restaurants are wine-oriented, but those that are, have become very sophisticated. Choosing a bottle of wine to go with your meal has become increasingly difficult.

Of course, choosing wine from a restaurant menu shouldn’t be stressful; on the contrary, it should be as fun as choosing your meal. Here are our tips for choosing wine at a restaurant and looking like a pro. Sure, all restaurants are different, and we all have preferences, but these tips are universal, so try them and let us know how it goes!

The Wine by the Glass Strategy

Most restaurants with a decent wine program have at least one (and often several) by-the-glass options. The good thing about wine by the glass is that you can taste it before buying it, which makes all the difference.

If a by-the-glass option is good enough for you, nothing stops you from ordering a bottle of it. That’s what many experts do and have done for decades. And there’s more good news, most wines by the glass are inexpensive, and if the restaurant did its homework, the wine should be pretty good. Wine by the glass often has an excellent quality-price ratio.

What’s for Dinner?

When choosing a bottle of wine at a restaurant, you should know what you and your companions are having for dinner. Generally, you want to pair red meat and hearty meals with red wine and white meat and seafood with white wine. However, that’s not always the case. Full-bodied white wines, such as an oaky Chardonnay, are lovely with roasted poultry and pork, while subtle reds, such as Pinot Noir, are lovely with grilled seafood and oily fish, like salmon, mackerel and tuna. Don’t let yourself be pressured into choosing the wine before knowing what you’ll have for dinner.

Bubbles Never Disappoint

With so many options on a restaurant wine menu, things can get complicated, but there’s an easy way out that will always make you look like a pro. Sparkling wine is not only ideal for special occasions, but it’s also incredibly compatible with food.

Sparkling wine has high acidity and is a natural palate cleanser; you can pair it with literally every item on the menu. As a plus, you’ll turn dinner into a party. And although some sparkling wines, such as Champagne, are often expensive, you need not splurge to enjoy a bottle of fizz.

Drink What you Love!

Wine and food pairings are fun, and we all want to choose the ideal bottle of wine for our meal. Still, pairings are no hard science; there’s room for creativity, so follow your heart and order the bottle of wine that feels right for the moment.

Drink what you love and choose with confidence. Any bottle of wine will do the job just right, as it will liven the conversation and get the party started. What is your go-to wine when going out for dinner? After all, we all like different things, so there’s no right or wrong answer!

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